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What Additions Does Rush Do to the Theme? โ€‹

Overview โ€‹

Rush and Shopifyโ€™s integration aims to provide a smooth user experience for merchants and store owners. The elements from both platforms seamlessly integrate to best represent your brandโ€™s image.

Explanation โ€‹

You can install Rush to any theme you have within the Shopify Admin. When you select a theme to install Rush, we will add specific liquid and JSON files to:

  • Section templates
  • Page templates

Keep in Mind... โ€‹

  • All Rush assets start with app-rush followed by an additional reference. This naming convention ensures that only Rush-related assets are modified, and other assets remain untouched.
  • Be mindful of the naming conventions while making changes manually. Our scripts only modify assets that start with app-rush and never change other assets.

Here's an example of how these assets might appear:

Contact Us โ€‹

For queries and feedback, feel free to reach out to us.