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πŸ“’ Search Results App Block ​

Overview ​

This app block shows all related shipments based on the search performed.

The following are the cases:

  • Multiple shipments: If you allow customers to search by email, they may have multiple related shipments which will be shown here. The newest shipments are shown first, with the history covering the last 6 months.
  • Multiple fulfillments: If you allow customers to search by an order number with multiple fulfillments, we will show these in the search results as well.

Note: If multiple fulfillments lead to a single shipment, it won't be shown to save space and avoid confusion.

Visualization ​

This is how the search results visualize on different devices:

Desktop view: ​

Mobile view: ​

Customization ​

Let’s see what you can customize in this app block:

General ​

In the General section, you can configure the following settings:

  • Title: You can set the title of the section, which by default is Related results.
  • Button label: You can set the text of the tracking link, which by default is Track. You can change it to View or any other label you prefer.

Style ​

This section allows you to style the button with colors:

  • Right-to-left: Check this box if you have selected a language with a right-to-left direction for your tracking page.
  • Title text color: Pick a color for the title text of the section.
  • Messages text color: Set the color of the message text.
  • Link color: Pick a color for the links.
  • Link hover color: Pick a color for when someone hovers over the links.
  • Mobile button label color: Pick a color for the mobile resolution track button label text.
  • Mobile button background color: Pick a color for the mobile resolution track button background.
  • Border color: Pick a color for the grid and lines inside the app block.

CSS style ​

Add any additional styles you want to apply.

Contact us ​

For queries and feedback, contact us.