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Notification Activity Feed โ€‹

Experience the advantage of real-time visibility into your message progression, ensuring you never miss a beat in your communication flow. You can learn more about Shipment statuses in the Shipment Statuses and Sub Statuses article.


Please be aware that, at present, the Notification Activity feed primarily displays activities related to Shopify Shipping Events and Shopify Fulfillment. The integration of additional platforms, such as Klaviyo, Omnisend, and others, is in progress and will be included in the feed over time.

Overview โ€‹

The Notification Activity feed is a critical component of the Rush app that displays all the messages sent from the Rush system to customers or third-party applications. This feature allows you to monitor all events generated per order and the recipients of the notifications associated with these events. It provides transparency and traceability for every event sent through the Rush system, including specific information used. The feed includes a search and filtering function, which lets you search by order number, email, or phone and filter results by message status, channels, events, and processing times.

Step By Step โ€‹

  1. Go to the Rush app
  2. In navigation, click on Notifications
  3. Click on Activity Feed

Filtering โ€‹

You can filter notifications based on several criteria:

Status โ€‹

QueuedThe message is created and waiting in line for processing.
ProcessedThe message has been processed and is ready to be dispatched.
SentThe message has been successfully sent.
FailedThe message could not be sent to the external system for some reason.

Messages typically move from "Queued" to "Sent" within 2-3 minutes, although occasional failures may occur due to network issues or problems with the external system. A retry process is in place to handle such failures.

Channels โ€‹

Channels refer to all the notification systems the Rush app connects to for sending messages. This includes all third-party apps or functionalities that can receive notifications from Rush. Some of these channels include:

Shopify Shipping EventsLearn more
Shopify Tracking Info EventsLearn more
Smart Email Notifications (Transactional Emails)Pending

Events โ€‹

Events are based on shipping statuses or order events. Hereโ€™s a breakdown:

Order Events โ€‹

Order CreatedTriggered when a new order is placed in the system.

Shipping Events โ€‹

EventDescriptionAdvanced Event
Shipment CreatedHappens when an order's tracking label is created.No
Pre-TransitIndicates the shipment is still with the seller or in the warehouse, awaiting transfer to the carrier.No
In TransitTriggered when the shipment is dispatched and on its way to the destination.No
Shipment DelayTriggered when thereโ€™s an unexpected delay, possibly due to carrier issues or weather conditions.No
New Estimated Arrival TimeProvides an updated estimate of when the shipment will arrive.Yes
Out for DeliveryTriggered when the shipment is on the delivery vehicle and expected to reach the recipient within the day.No
Failed Delivery AttemptHappens when the carrier attempts delivery but cannot, perhaps due to the recipient not being present.No
DeliveredTriggered when the shipment has been successfully delivered to the recipient.No
Order Pickup ReadyHappens when the shipment is ready to be picked up by the customer from a specified location.No
Order Pickup ReminderSends a reminder when a shipment has been at a pickup location for several days and has not yet been collected.Yes
ReturnIndicates that the shipment is being returned, perhaps due to a failed delivery or customer return.No
Waiting for DeliveryReminds the customer to set a delivery date with the carrier to receive the order.Yes
ExceptionTriggered when something unexpected happens with the shipment, such as damage or loss.No
No Carrier UpdatesSends a notification when a shipment hasnโ€™t received any new updates from the carrier for a certain number of days.Yes
Transit Over TimeSends a notification when a shipment has been in transit for longer than expected.Yes

You can learn more about the shipment statuses in the Shipment Statuses and Sub Statuses article.

Date Range โ€‹

You can filter notifications based on the date they were created.

Activity Details โ€‹

Selecting an activity will provide more details about what transpired during that particular event. This includes information about the channel, event, and related objects such as the Order label or shipment UUID.

Additionally, details include when the notification was queued, processed, and sent. For Sent and Failed events, additional information about the response from the system the event was sent to is available.

For more information, please contact us; weโ€™ll be happy to help.