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Setting up Email & SMS Flows Using Dynamic Properties [Klaviyo] โ€‹

Overview โ€‹

This article will guide you on creating generic email and SMS content in Klaviyo using Rush properties, also known as shortcodes. These shortcodes are based on different shipment events that Rush sends to Klaviyo. This helps you build customized flows according to your brandโ€™s requirements. The goal is to:

  • Brand your emails and SMS.
  • Preview the changes made to an email or SMS flow.
  • Activate the flow after configuring the content.

Supported Plan โ€‹

  • Rush Growth Plan

Step-by-Step Instructions โ€‹

If you want the Rush support team to build email flows for you, fill out this form and weโ€™ll do so.

Setting up Email Flow โ€‹

To set up a delivered flow email by yourself, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the email box.
  2. Click the pencil icon next to Subject and write Your order has been delivered.
  3. Click on Configure Content to start editing.
  4. Choose the Drag and Drop template.
  5. Select a regular 1-column basic template.
  6. Start editing the template:
    • Click on the top of the email to add the logo.
    • Edit the content in the body of the email using the following shortcodes:
      Hi first_name|default:''
      Good news, your order # event.order_label has been delivered!
      • Shortcodes:
        • first_name|default:'' - Displays the client's first name.
        • event.order_label - Displays the client's order number.
  7. From the menu on the left, drag and drop a button under the text:
    • In the Button Text field, write Track your package.
    • In the Link URL field, use the shortcode event.shipment_link.
  8. Style the text in the body of the email and utilize different options for editing the block.
  9. Drag and drop a Split under the button:
    • For the first column, insert the shipping address using these shortcodes:
      event.shipping_first_name event.shipping_last_name
      event.shipping_zip event.shipping_province
    • For the second column, write a message to reach your support team:
      If there's anything wrong with your product, just let us know by sending an email to and we will do our best to make it right.
  10. Add a text block for OUR TOP RECOMMENDS to market more products.
  11. Add a Products block to promote more store products. Choose a feed or products from Your Catalog, such as the most popular all categories feed.
  12. Drag and drop the Social Links block for email and add links to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and more.
  13. To activate this flow, change the status from Draft to Live.

Setting up SMS Flow โ€‹

To set up an SMS flow, follow these steps:

  1. Click on SMS to start building an SMS flow.
  2. Click on Configure Content.
  3. Add content using the shortcodes, e.g.,
    Hi first_name|default:'' , Good news, your order event.order_label has been delivered.
  4. Save the configuration by clicking on Done.
  5. To activate this flow, change the SEND STATUS from Draft to Live.

Confirmation โ€‹

Thatโ€™s all! Youโ€™ve successfully set up an email and SMS flow.


It is recommended to turn Smart Sending off on both email and SMS. To learn more about this feature, refer to the Guide to Smart Sending in Klaviyo.