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Data Sharing Between Rush and Klaviyo ​

Overview ​

This article will help educate store owners who have integrated Rush and Klaviyo about the data shared between the two platforms. The purpose of this information is to help brands understand the extent of data that Rush will be sharing with Klaviyo, as this data is later used in building automation flows in Klaviyo.

Information Sharing with Klaviyo ​

After connecting both apps, it is important to understand the extent and content of information that Rush will share with Klaviyo.

For each event, Rush will be sending the following information:

  • Customer Information provided by Shopify
  • Tracking Information related to the custom tracking page
  • Last Checkpoint of shipment delivery status
  • Delivery Address
  • Order Information provided by Shopify
  • Carrier Information and its tracking details

Events Sent from Rush to Klaviyo ​

Events are sent from Rush to Klaviyo. These events are used for flows as trigger filters.


For more information about these events, refer to the Notification Triggers article.

Klaviyo Data ​

The shipping carriers share the shipment statuses with Rush, which is further shared with Klaviyo. You can trigger workflows in Klaviyo based upon this information, also referred to as properties/shortcodes.


Some of the properties may not be sent, and thus marked as optional.

Let’s say we’re looking at shipment statuses and want more information regarding a specific shipment.

We will find this information in the event shared by Rush under RUSH_SHIPMENT_NEW_STATUS. We can find information about different things here. The most common information to look up can be:

Customer Information ​

This involves information like the customer's name, email, and the city or state the order is being shipped to. You can also look up the total value of the order. The table below shows the appropriate property with description and example.

customer_cityThe city your customer’s from. (Optional)New York
customer_consentConsent means that the customer has agreed to receive marketing communications from your business. (Optional)true
customer_countryThe country your customer’s from.United States
customer_emailThe customer’s email
customer_phone_numberThe customer's phone. (Optional)+1 888 888 8888
customer_first_nameThe first name of the customer.John
customer_last_nameThe last name of the customer.Doe
customer_orders_countThe number of times the customer has ordered from your store.2
customer_orders_total_valueThe total value/price of the order.59.12
customer_shopify_customer_idThe customer’s external e-commerce platform id.5548039995471
customer_zipThe zip code of the city the customer lives in.11354

Order Information ​

This includes order details like order items, order id, the search link for the order, and many other things. The table below shows the order’s properties with descriptions and examples.

order_admin_linkExternal system order link. Used usually when you want to trigger in-house emails.Order Link
order_currencyThe currency of the amount to be paid for the order.USD
order_itemsList with the order items. See below the properties.('title': 'Primal Collagen', 'image': '', 'quantity': 1, 'price': 29.56, 'product_review_link': '
order_items_countThe total number of items shipped in the order.1
order_labelThe label number assigned to the order.#422251
order_search_linkLink to the tracking page related to the order.Tracking Link
order_tagsList of other tags."Email Set", Fulfilled, P6_Recharge
order_noteNote related to the order inside the commerce platform.Please leave at gate.
order_unique_items_countHow many unique items are in the order?1
priceTotal order price29.56
shopify_order_idThe id assigned to the order by Shopify system.4539337605199

Order Items List ​

This includes details about the items in an order:

imageThe link to the image of the order item.Item Image
linkOptional.Product Link
priceThe price of the item.59.99
product_review_linkOptional.Review Link
quantityThe number of items in an order.1
titleThe name of the order item.Corset Midi Dress

Carrier Information ​

You can look up the carrier name and find relevant information about it like a tracking link or go to their website. The following table shows the carrier property with its description and an example.

carrier_logo_linkA link to the carrier’s logo in raster format (png/jpeg). Optional.Carrier Logo PNG
carrier_logo_svg_linkThe link to the carrier logo in SVG format. (Optional)Carrier Logo SVG
carrier_nameName of the carrier. (Optional)USPS
carrier_phoneContact number provided by the carrier. (Optional)+1 800 275 8777
carrier_tracking_linkThe link to track the carrier responsible for delivering your parcel. (Optional)Tracking Link
carrier_tracking_numberFirstmile tracking number.420113549374810912400301727518
carrier_websiteThe link to go to the carrier’s website. (Optional)Carrier Website
last_mile_carrier_tracking_numberLast-mile tracking number.YT2216921236027989
last_mile_carrier_tracking_linkTracking link to the last-mile carrier.Last-Mile Tracking Link
last_mile_carrier_nameName of the last-mile carrier.YunExpress
last_mile_carrier_logo_linkA link to the last-mile carrier’s logo in raster format (png/jpeg).Last-Mile Carrier Logo PNG
last_mile_carrier_logo_svg_linkThe link to the last-mile carrier logo in SVG format.Last-Mile Carrier Logo SVG

Address ​

The address contains information about the shipment's delivery address.

address_address1Address line 1.254 8th Ave
address_address2Address line 2 (optional).4th Floor
address_cityCity name.New York
address_companyCompany name (optional).Shopify
address_countryCountry name.United States
address_first_nameFirst name of the recipient.John
address_last_nameLast name of the recipient.Doe
address_phonePhone number of the recipient.+1 888 888 8888
address_provinceState or province.NY
address_zipZIP code of the recipient's address.10128

Conclusion ​

This documentation covers the data shared between Rush and Klaviyo, and helps understand the integration better for effective utilization of data in Klaviyo for automations and tracking purposes.


To learn more about these statuses, refer to the Shipping Statuses & Shipping Sub Statuses article.

Contact us ​

Feel free to reach out to us for further information and/or to provide feedback.