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⏳ Loader App Block ​

Overview ​

The Loader App Block displays a loading icon while your page is loading. This ensures that your customers do not see a blank page while waiting for the tracking page or shipment results to appear. The loader icon will be shown until either:

  • The tracking page is fully loaded and the πŸ”Ž Search Box is visible.
  • The tracking page is fully loaded and the shipment information is displayed.

Customization ​

You can customize the Loader App Block in the following ways:

General ​

In the GENERAL section, you can adjust the colors used in the loader:

  • Primary Color: The color of the rotating part of the loader.
  • Secondary Color: The background color of the loading icon.

Here is the preview of the setup of the color:

Style ​

The STYLE section allows you to apply custom CSS styling. You can reference the CSS by targeting .rush-loader-main.

CSS Styles ​

You can insert custom CSS in the CSS style box to adjust the appearance of the loader.

Styling Cases ​

Here are some common styling scenarios:

Case #1: Push the block 125px down from the tracking page ​

.rush-loader-main {
  padding-top: 125px;

Case #2: Center the loader in the middle of the page ​

.rush-loader-main {
  height: 80vh !important;

Case #3: Apply opacity to the loading icon ​

.rush-loader-main {
  opacity: 0.5;

Case #4: Make the loader icon invisible ​

#rush-loader .loader {
  position: relative;
  opacity: 1;

Limitations ​

The Loader App Block should only be used in conjunction with the πŸ”Ž Search Box. Shopify’s page editor allows multiple loading components, but we recommend using only one per page to avoid conflicts.