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Shipment Statuses and Sub Statuses Explained ​

Overview ​

This article provides information on the shipping statuses and their sub-statuses offered by Rush. These statuses are used to track the progress of an order from fulfillment to delivery. The shipment status changes from Pending to Pre-Transit, then to In Transit, Out for Delivery, Failed Attempt, or Delivered based on the order’s current situation. This detailed information helps buyers stay informed about their shipments and enables merchants and customer support to take action based on the status, facilitating an easier tracking process and prompt resolution of any issues.


Shipments Statuses ​

The Rush system assigns a shipment status based on the latest shipment event. The following table describes each status:

Shipment StatusDescription
PendingRush is about to process the shipment tracking number, or the order does not have any shipment yet.
Pre-TransitThe parcel is still with the seller or is yet to be handed to the carrier.
In TransitThe parcel is on its way to the final destination.
Out for DeliveryThe carrier is about to deliver the parcel to the end customer.
Failed AttemptThe carrier couldn’t deliver the package.
Waiting for DeliveryDelivery failed, and the carrier is waiting to be connected for further delivery arrangements.
DeliveredThe parcel was delivered successfully.
Pickup ReadyThe parcel has arrived at a pickup point and is available to be collected by the customer.
ReturnedThe package was returned by the customer and/or not accepted by the customer.
ExceptionAny other negative event that may not be associated with other statuses.
FailureUsed when tracking numbers can't be processed or other failures occur. Status is related to the processing of shipment information, not linked to tracking details.

Shipment Sub-Statuses ​

Some shipment statuses have further sub-statuses to provide more detailed tracking information. Below are the sub-statuses for each shipment status.


There are three shipment statuses that do not have sub statuses. These statuses are:

  • Pickup ready
  • Out for delivery
  • Expired

Delivered ​

Sub StatusDescription
At Front DoorThe parcel was delivered to the receiver's door.
At MailboxThe parcel has been delivered to the receiver's mailbox.
At Parcel LockerThe parcel has been left in a parcel locker.
At PO BoxThe parcel has been delivered to a post office box.
At AgentThe parcel has been delivered and received by a person.
At AddressThe parcel has been delivered to the address provided.
At Pickup LocationThe parcel has been collected by the receiver from the pickup location.
Manually MarkedThe shipment was marked as delivered from the Rush app.

Waiting for Delivery ​

Sub StatusDescription
Schedule DeliveryCarrier is waiting for the receiver to schedule a delivery.
Requested WaitDelivery is paused as per the receiver's request.

Failed Attempt ​

Sub StatusDescription
No AccessThe carrier did not have access to the delivery location.
Not Secure LocationThe address was not suitable for delivery.
Invalid AddressThe address provided does not exist or could not be found.
Animal InterferenceAn animal is obstructing access to the delivery destination.

In Transit ​

Sub StatusDescription
At CustomsThe parcel is held at customs.
Released from CustomsThe parcel has been cleared to continue on its way.
In CarrierThe parcel is being forwarded to the next carrier or step in delivery.
Carrier ProcessingThe parcel is with the carrier and being processed before the next transit.
At Destination CityThe parcel has arrived at its destination city.
ForwardedThe parcel has been forwarded to the next location or hub.

Pending ​

Sub StatusDescription
Waiting for DetailsNo information was received.

Pre-Transit ​

Sub StatusDescription
Label PurchasedLabel has been purchased for the parcel.
Label PrintedLabel has been printed for the parcel.
Awaiting ShipmentCarrier awaiting parcel.
No Tracking InformationNo tracking info is available.
Origin Shipment PreparationCarrier awaiting the parcel as it is being prepared.

Failure ​

Sub StatusDescription
Carrier Not FoundThe associated carrier could not be found.
Invalid Tracking CodeThe tracking code provided is invalid.
Carrier Service ErrorThere is an error with the carrier.
Invalid Tracking InformationThe tracking information provided is invalid.

Exception ​

Sub StatusDescription
Package DisposedThe package was thrown away/disposed of by the carrier.

Returned ​

Sub StatusDescription
Refused By RecipientThe recipient refused the package.
Return UnclaimedThe package was returned as no one claimed it.
Return By CarrierThe package was returned by the carrier.

Filter and/or Search Orders by Status or Sub Status ​

To search your orders by shipment status or sub-status, follow these steps:

  1. Select a shipment status tab like Delivered, Pending, or Pickup Ready.
  2. Click on the Sub Status dropdown to view all the sub-statuses for that shipment status.

For example, selecting the Delivered shipment status will show all related sub-statuses in the dropdown.


For more information on how to search shipments, refer to the article Search for Shipments by Status, Sub Status & Filters.

Contact Us ​

Feel free to contact us for queries and feedback. We’re here to help.