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Integrating Slack With Rush


The focus of this article is integrating Rush with Slack. Slack is an instant messaging app that allows businesses to communicate, centralize all notifications, and collaborate. Slack is rapidly gaining momentum in e-commerce business communities for its quick messaging service and online workspace to discuss day-to-day management issues. Rush allows store owners to integrate Slack so that they can receive shipping updates directly on their Slack app.

To see other apps integrated with Rush, refer to the article Rush Integrations.

Supported plan: Rush Advanced plan

Step-by-Step Guide

For better understanding, this step-by-step guide has been divided into two sections:

  1. Installing Incoming WebHooks app to Slack
  2. Integration with Rush

Installing Incoming WebHooks App to Slack

To integrate Slack and Rush, you’ll need Slack’s Incoming WebHooks. Follow these steps:

  1. Install the Incoming WebHooks app from this link.

  2. After installing the app, add Incoming WebHooks to the right Slack workspace:

    • Click on Your Slack Workspace.
    • Click on the Add to Slack button on the left side.
    • In the Post to Channel section, select Slack’s channel from the dropdown.
    • Copy the Webhook URL from the Webhook URL field in the Setup Instructions section. You will need this URL for integration.

Integration with Rush

Now that you have copied the Webhook URL, follow these steps to integrate Slack with Rush:

  1. Go to the Rush app.
  2. Click on Notifications from the navigation sidebar on the left.
  3. Navigate to the Slack Configuration widget in the Advanced section.
  4. Click on the Configure button. A popup will appear.
  5. In the Webhook URL field, paste the webhook copied earlier from Slack’s workspace.
  6. Pick the language you want to send notifications in.
  7. Choose the event on which notifications should be sent. Note that currently, you can send only a single event to Slack.
  8. Click on Send test event located at the bottom to check if everything is working properly.
  9. Click on Save configuration to save the integration settings.


That’s all! Rush is now integrated with Slack.


After carefully following the steps given above, you should see messages coming to your Slack channel as shown in the examples below:

  • Event: New shipment created

    • New shipment created with valid shipping tracking added to your Shopify order.
  • Event: New checkpoint

    • A new shipment checkpoint means that shipments are moving from one city to another.

Contact Us

Feel free to reach out to us if you have any queries, and we’ll be happy to assist.