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Tracking Pages GET Parameters โ€‹

Overview โ€‹

This article provides information on automating the tracking page behavior. Rush will check for any GET parameters applied to the link once customers load the tracking page. These parameters are checked based on order preference. Once a match is found, the system stops the check and performs the related action. Below is a list of supported actions.

Note that GET parameters are applicable and standardized across all pages, including the Shopify Open Store page, Modern tracking page, and Code-your-own tracking page.

GET ParameterRelated Action
search_orderPerforms a search based on the order value assigned to it.
Example: <url>/a/track?search_order=123789456
Same as GET var search, thereโ€™s no difference in how both operate.
search_emailPerforms a search based on the email value assigned to it.
Example: <url>/a/track?
Same as GET var search, thereโ€™s no difference in how both operate.
searchPerforms a search automatically based on the variable's value assigned to it. Based on your setup, it can search for a tracking number, order number, email, phone, and shipment id.
Example: <url>/a/track?
- If there is a single result, the shipping data will be displayed directly.
- If there are multiple results, the search results will be displayed.
- If there is no result, the search component with an error is displayed.
Parameters track_number and email are deprecated.

All GET parameters are case-insensitive.

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