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OS2 Tracking Page - Troubleshooting ​

Overview ​

Rush has introduced the OS2 tracking page with an improved design and exciting new features. This is a relatively new feature, and testing is currently underway. As development and testing progress, we also troubleshoot cases you might experience with this tracking page.

Let’s look at one of these cases:

Case #1: How to Remove Extra Spacing Between Tracking Page Components? ​

Solution #1 ​

You can change your theme's default spacing to adjust the layout as needed.

Solution #2 ​

Alternatively, you can add custom CSS in any of the components (usually it's best to add it in the first component) to control the spacing.

For example, to set the top margin to 0px, you can use the following CSS:

.index-section {
  margin: 34px 0 !important;

Contact Us ​

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.