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Dashboard Reports


The focus of this article is to share information regarding dashboard reports. Dashboard reporting refers to data collected and displayed on your homepage. This data is collected for reviewing your brand’s performance and allows you to make informed decisions based on the logistics and statistics. Rush provides dashboard reports for your brand in the Dashboard section.


When you open the Rush app and click on Dashboard from the navigation sidebar on the left, you can see different reports displayed there. The Rush app has three main sections of the dashboard. These sections are:

  • Shipments quota usage
  • Your shipments performance
  • Summary

This is what it looks like with three main sections highlighted:


The purpose of these reports is for store owners to see their metrics and help improve them over time. As it is well-known, “You can’t manage what you can’t measure.” ~ Peter Drucker

Here’s a breakdown of different types of data collected and reports based on that data in each section of the dashboard:

Your Shipments Performance

The first report you see right after going to the Dashboard section is Your shipments performance. This report provides a summary of all your shipments and orders. The goal is to give you a glimpse of your most urgent issues, if any, and help you handle the shipments that may result in a chargeback or not get collected. This is why a total order value is calculated for all shipments to help you take action accordingly.


The Summary section on the right contains different reports. These reports are:

  • Date range
  • Delivery times
  • Shipments per status
  • Shipments per destination
  • Shipments per carrier

Date Range

First, there’s a dropdown menu on the top to select the number of days for which you want to see the summary.

Based on the date range you pick, the statistics get changed with each frame.

  • Last 7 days
  • Last 30 days

Delivery Times

Moving down further, there are Delivery Times. The purpose of this report is to understand your wait times which will help you understand the customer experience. For example, different delivery times are shown in the image below:

Let’s explore these delivery times one by one:

  • On average, it takes 2.9 days for an order created by a customer to get a tracking number into the system.
  • It takes 3.2 days for an order created by a customer to get the first message inside the shipping numbers.
  • It takes 6.1 days for an order created by a customer to get the order traveling to them.
  • It takes 15.7 days for an order created by a customer to get delivered to them.

Shipments per Status

The next report is Shipments Per Status. This report shows a breakdown of your shipment statuses for the selected timeframe. Clicking on numbers will show the exact shipments.

Shipments per Destination

As the name suggests, this report shows your top 10 delivery destinations, all the rest are covered in Others.

Shipments per Carrier

The next report is Shipments Per Carrier. This report shows a breakdown of your shipment statuses for the selected carrier. Clicking on numbers will show the exact shipments.

Shipments Quota Usage

On the top left corner, the number of total shipments and the subscription plan is displayed. It shows your total quota of shipments, and how many have been used. For example, a total of 5,000 shipments can be seen in the image below, the used ones are 3,145 while 1,855 are still left.

This information is based on current plan billing cycles. With each new cycle, the quota is restarted and the calculation starts from 0.

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