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Add Tracking Page URL to Your Store’s Header/Footer


This article provides guidance for store owners on how to add a tracking page URL to their store’s navigation. Adding a tracking page URL to your store’s navigation is crucial as it serves as a shortcut for customers to access real-time updates on their orders and shipments.

To learn more about the benefits of a tracking page, refer to the Everything About Tracking Page article.

Supported Platform

  • Shopify

Step-by-Step Guide

To add a tracking page URL to your store’s navigation, follow these steps:

  1. From the navigation sidebar on the left, click on Online Store.
  2. Select the menu where you want to add the tracking page URL, such as the Footer menu or Main menu.
  3. Select Navigation.
  4. Click on Add menu item.
  5. Specify the text to be hyperlinked, such as Track Order, and enter the tracking page URL.
  6. Click Save menu to save your changes.


If you need to update the tracking page URL, refer to the Change Tracking Page Permalink in Shopify article.

Depending on the menu you’ve chosen, the link to the tracking page will be added to your store page either:

  • On top – in the main menu, or
  • At the bottom – in the footer menu.

Contact Us

For further queries or feedback, feel free to reach out and we’ll be happy to help.