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About Notifications ​

Overview ​

This article covers the Notifications section of the Rush app, detailing the various features available for store owners. These features are continually improved and updated to meet the needs of modern brands.

Importance ​

The Notifications section of the Rush app is important because:

  • It provides integration options with different apps to share order and shipping updates.
  • It acts as a one-stop-shop for all integrated notification providers.

Features ​

Different integration features are available based on the subscription plan. Here’s a breakdown of the integrations:

Free ​

IntegrationDescriptionMore Information
Send Shipping Tracking Events to ShopifyAvailable for all Rush clients.Send Shipping Tracking Events to Shopify
Enhanced Email Design with OrderlyEmailsLearn more about this integration.Using Orderly Emails with Rush

Growth ​

IntegrationDescriptionMore Information
PayPal Tracking IntegrationBeta feature allowing clients to sync tracking numbers with PayPal to build trust and reduce chargebacks.
Smart Email NotificationsProactively informs customers about delivery updates to boost ROI and increase customer lifetime value.
OmnisendEnables real-time shipping triggers and personalized flows.
Klaviyo IntegrationUses real-time shipping and order events to create personalized flows and proactive notifications.Integrating Klaviyo and Rush
PushOwl (in development)Send push notifications to customers.Rush special deal - 100% OFF for 2 months - PushOwl
Use code RUSH60
PostscriptProvides personalized SMS notifications for shipping and orders.

Advanced ​

IntegrationDescriptionMore Information
Slack ConfigurationCentralize notifications and collaborate with customers for queries, social media campaigns, and tech support.Integrating Slack With Rush
Zapier Integration (coming soon)Enables app integrations and workflow automation.Stay tuned for more details.

Contact Us ​

Feel free to contact us for any queries or feedback.